About Us

To make it precise yet clear, I have disintegrated the wide expanse of information in this book into 3 interesting sections. I have targeted the relevance of “Going to Growing” and how that step can make a difference in your life and, eventually, in the world. There are some really interesting stories to set the context and mood of the idea behind this book, i.e., how to be the best version of yourself. 

Describing my narrative through the context of “Tree” (yes, a tree), I will train you on how to reflect on your true self and eventually be a better person. The central idea of my book is to enhance your uniqueness and work on your signature strengths. 

This is the high time you should attain the right planning and mindset to revisit, improvise, prepare, and commit to an amazing and fun-filled endeavour. Always remember that you must sculpt your marvellous life and invest in learning to achieve great results.

I cannot stress enough that “Going to Growing” is not a mantra for success but a constant journey within. You must wake up daily, thank God for your existence, and then make something out of your life. Do not wait for your parents, teachers, friends, mentors, or partner to guide you on what to do next but be the master of your life and see it unfolding as miraculously as you would have never imagined.